Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Cat Saves Boy from Dog Attack (Warning: video shows dog briefly attacking boy's leg and the dog bites he received.) Home surveillance video showed how a little boy in Bakersfield, Indiana was saved by a cat. The mother shared the video with local news station 23ABC and described the events seen in the video. Her little boy was playing on his bicycle when a dog snuck up on him and started attacking his leg. RELATED: Man Given One Day to Get Rid of Barking Dog The family cat, Tara, sprung into action and slammed into the dog, chasing it away. The video also shows the injuries the boy suffered and the stitches he needed to get as a result of them.
Cat vs Dog Epic Battle HD
Grandma with soccer skills
Responding police officers stated that if this had been their own son, the call response would have been for "Shots fired."

Watch how a cat saves a little kid from a dog attacking him! Scars at the end! A boy and his mother were in their front yard, playing and watering the plants. The neighbor's dog was let out.

When two hungry, vicious alligators emerge from the Bayou swamp, Mugsy the CAT, leaps into action to protect a boy from becoming their lunch. See for yoursel.

This is so cute.

Boy Saves His Sister From Pitbull Attack - 11 Year Old Hero A young boy's legs are marred with stitches days after he fought off two ferocious pitbulls that .

See More At Cat talking animals Chihuahua (dog) Brave chihuahua funny and cute Kitten (Animal) caught on tape funny kittens animal videos protects funny vide.

A dog named Angel helped save an 11-year-old boy being attacked by a cougar.

This video contains two stories of dog's that fought large snakes to save their masters. i)The first dog st.

[ORIGINAL] Dog Protects Child From His Mom In Fake Scene | Dog Protecting Baby From Mother Attack | Dogs Stop Mother From Attacking Her Child | Turkey | Dogs.

Just days after Christi Smith rescued a pit bull, just before the dog was set to be put down, the dog turns around and rescues her four-year-old son. The dog.

Feral cat comes flying out if trees and attacks small dog.

On driveway, less than 10 ft from door, coyotes attack small dog. What you dont see is the other coyotes and action going on off the video camera and the scr.

We just happen to know this little hero and his family.Although our site is for raising funds for St Jude by booking your travel, we just had to share Drew H.

A Little Boys Dog pulls Him off some Train Tracks before He is Killed by an Oncoming Train..DOGS. What Can I Say. YA GOTTA LOVE EM'..Really Great Tra.

A loyal dog watches over a young disabled boy. Funny Animals funny animals funny cats funny video funny funny pranks funny babies funny dogs funny talking an.

In this video you will see my 4 yr old daughter handling for the 1ST time him in protection. The dog is extremely hard and civil and it is the first time wor.

Hunters get attacked by a lion An African lion killed a worker Wednesday at a wildlife sanctuary called Cat Haven in Dunlap, California. Twenty-four-year-old.

A 3-year-old boy bitten by an Akita inside a Lowe's Home Improvement store in Murrieta is being treated for injuries suffered in the attack and the dog has b.

HERO Brother saves sister from dog attack. 11-year-old Maleik Carr is being called a hero after he saved his younger sister from attacking pit bulls. A 11 .

A pair of Huskies follow a baby's lead as he crawls down the hallway. Funny Animals funny animals funny cats funny video funny funny pranks funny babies funn. Apparently this little guy.

a pitbull saves a woman from her huspand in a domistic fight amazing video. Epic Narrator Latest Uploads From The Cosmos News:animal neon trees animal neon trees animal funny animal videos animal collective animal sex animal attacks animal planet animal crackers miike snow animal an.

Dogo Argentino Morocho saves 2 girls from Puma attack.

Dog Determined To Make Friends With Boy With Down Syndrome Dog Determined To Make Friends With Boy With Down Syndrome Dog Determined To Make Friends With Boy.

Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Fights Off Dog Attacking Little Boy - My Cat Saved My Son
Cat Saves Young Boy From Dog Attack
Cat Saves Young Boy From Dog Attack
Gato salva a un niño del ataque de un perro - Cat saves a child from a dog attack
Gato salva a un niño del ataque de un perro - Cat saves a child from a dog attack


  1. http://lh6.ggpht.com/-lD1w9u9FyeQ/U41iuemPFjI/AAAAAAAAVzI/W6xMHWCmI5U/dogs-and-cats-c3946.jpg

  2. Dog Attack, Kitty, Cat (Animal), Cats, Kitten, Animal (Fictional Character), funny cats, funny cat, cats, cat videos, funny video, funny, fat cat, funny vide...

  3. Cat Saves Boy from Dog Attack (Warning: video shows dog briefly attacking boy's leg and the dog bites he received.) Home surveillance video showed how a litt...
